Our premium plus grade topsoil is produced to the highest standards. We use a trommel screener to ensure all stones & foreign objects are removed.
All our soil is certified to B53882 and is approved for landscaping.
The topsoil is screened down to 14 mm to ensure a fine friable top soil. The soil is then blended with sand & organic compost. This gives your plants the best start & the opportunity to thrive.
- Premixed with sand and organic Compost which slowly releases essential plant nutrients
- Dry and easy to work
- High in organic matter which is essential for soil health
- Increases root development in plants
- Finely screened
- Available all year round
- High quality topsoil
How to use
Add to required depth (max 400mm). Rake to finish.
Allow topsoil to settle naturally, to avoid compaction.
Allow 15% above finished level for natural settlement.
- It is ideally suited for all landscape applications.
- When gardening please wear gloves and wash hands after use.
- Use topsoil as soon as possible after purchase.
- If storage is unavoidable cover to keep light and moisture out. Do not stack bags as this will compact the soil. Avoid placing anything heavy on stored bags.
- Topsoil should never be left bare, cover with a mulch or green cover between growing seasons.
- Our topsoil is made with natural, greenfield sourced topsoil.