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Well crafted
DecoFence panels, posts, caps, gates, fixings and other components are made from Tata colour-coated steels. As a result of the different coating methods required for each component, the texture, shade and lustre of each part varies dependent on the design, colour and style of DecoFence. The result, however, is textured and smooth finishes that combine to create a harmonious appearance to your DecoFence.
DecoFence PRO
DecoFence PRO is coated on both sides in the same colour and is suitable for neighbouring boundaries.
DecoFence Pro has up to 20 year perforation warranty.
DecoFence ECO
DecoFence ECON is colour-coated on one side and mid grey on the reverse. It is suitable for applications that do not back onto a neighbour or other places where a matched finish to both faces is not required. DecoFence ECON has up to 10 year perforation warranty.